1、Panoramic view before surgery 2、View of the maxillary occlusal surface before surgery 3、The flap was elevated at surgical area
4、A hole at labial side was founded while elevating
5、Drilling 6、Expanding Drilling 7、Guide pin was placed for measurement 8、Measuring parallelism by using guide pin
9、TIONE 101 dental implant 10、TIONE 101 dental implant graftin 11、The implant was placed to the desirable position by using implant R/H adapter
12、Finish of drilling
13、Bone grafting was performed on the hole of labial side 14、Bone grafting was performed on the cavity of labial side 15、Wound sutured 16、Panoramic view after surgery
17、Ready to mount after several months 18、Healing screw was mounted 19、Radiation view of the periapical after mounting healing screws
20、Ready to mount abutment 7~14 days later
21、Angled abutments were mounted 22、Radiation view after mounting angled abutments 23、The final prosthesis was mounted 24、Radiation view after mounting the final prosthesis